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                              Bordi (Admin)
                              Heuwägelchen - immer locker bleiben
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                              Aw: ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              Guten Morgen alle Miteinander

                              Moin Micha, vielen Dank für die Glückwünsche
                              und die 80kg die ich jetzt mitnehmen darf.

                              Ich war sehr überrascht das ich auf Server 7 trotz meiner 35kg (das sind ungefähr zweieinhalb Kästen Bier, oder?) in der Quali die Pole herausfahren konnte.
                              Auch das ich diese Position vom Start bis ins Ziel halten konnte hatte ich nicht erwartet.
                              Vielleicht ist es ein kleiner Trost, wenn ich sage das es durchaus etwas eintönig ist so alleine vorweg zu fahren.
                              Unser Heizen ist mir zum Ende des Rennen immer näher gerückt. Schon beim Boxenstopp hat er mir ca 10sec abgenommen.
                              Sowas muss ich dringend üben und schneller werden. Bereits in den ETCC Läufen ist mir aufgefallen, dass ich beim Pitstop viel zu viel Zeit vom Einstellen bis zum Bestätigen benötige.
                              Egal, hier sind die 60ies, hier ist soweit alles sehr gut gelaufen und hier bin ich auch über meinen zweiten Platz in der Gesamtwertung erstaunt.

                              Habe 80kg Gewicht an Selbstabholer zu verschenken.

                              Euer Bordi
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                              Letzte Änderung: 25.10.2021 07:27 von Bordi.
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                              Duleto (Benutzer)
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                              Re:ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              Even though I start learning Macau for the first time on Saturday, after 2 hot laps the circuit was now in my top 10 of my favorite circuits. Absolutely awesome circuit, miles better than Monaco.

                              Watching the other drivers at the training sessions the last couple of days showed that I will be fast here but I was not sure how fast I can get.

                              I was testing with full tank and was able to make 2:50.0 which make me dream for victory.

                              On the qually I show the full power of the Simca and with new personal best 2:48.9 I took the pole. But I was so scared seeing Tom and his Falcon on the server.

                              During the test races he was always much faster on the start with his power.

                              And even though he start from P10, after the straight he was now in P1. I was bussy fighting with Fred and Tom just fly away in P1

                              At that moment I thought my strategy was doomed as I knew there's no way I can overtake that big car.

                              Fortunately for me It looked like he was a little bit late for one of the corners and I was able to take P1 as we were still far away from the straights.

                              Before the straights I had a couple of seconds lead to Fred and Schwamerl and was able to start doing my strategy.

                              Until the end I drove really well, as the car was perfect, the tire wear was OK and i was able to take the victory.

                              Grats to Bordi and Patrick on their great performance in server 2 and their podiums.

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                              byagm (Benutzer)
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                              Re:ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              not so many fights in Macau as I couldnt do much more than fight against my own car. At least no crash and very few wall touch besides the Gordini.

                              I did a 51:9 with a bad lap on practice, so I guess kg were not loaded. Then in Qualy weight penalty was aplied, and high 53 came again.

                              Grats Dimi! great rythm!

                              I just suggest please that many people to watch pair of moments of my highlights. Little is said about the dangerousness of closing maneuvers when you have a car inside, it is a maneuver that if one of the two does not want to, the accident is avoided, but if both do their job well, a good fight is created.

                              If you have a car inside, (or the back car has his front axle next to your rear axle) leave space in the inside (specially while taking the curve) and don't take the curve like you're running alone or you´ll kick your inside car to the green/wall.

                              If you have a car outside, (or the front car has his back axle next to your front axle) leave space in the outside (specially while leaving the curve) and don't take the curve like you're running alone or you´ll kick your outside car to the green/wall.

                              There´s a limit line where you cant clearly see if the car its completely in your back or its already in your side, but its that simple: you dont see him in your mirror? its in your side. We have monitors, its obvious to have easy mistake (that can be clearly seen after, on the replays), but there are other "mistakes" that are little far from being a mistake. (BTW, with 22:9, 32:9 or 48:9 monitors, you can see much more in the mirror as you can see in my onboards)

                              On many occasions there are many more important actions than a mistake that causes an accident, and these are never discussed because in the end there has been no accident as there has been a racer who has wanted to avoid an event (anticipating the wrong action of the other racer). This means that the racer who acts incorrectly will continue to do so forever, unless there is an accident.

                              Keep enjoying.

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                              Letzte Änderung: 25.10.2021 16:56 von byagm.
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                              rdjango (Moderator)
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                              Aw: Re:ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  

                              ein ganz grosses Sorry an alle die durch meinen "blöden" Unfall behindert wurden oder sogar ausgeschieden sind. Im Training Fr und Sa ist dort nie etwas passiert - ich war wohl zu sicher und hab die Linie anscheinend um ein paar Zentimeter verfehlt bin links an die Bande. Auch das ließ sich normalerweise korrigieren, aber diesmal drehte es den Simca gegen die rechte Leitplanke und das wars - Looping, Schock und ESC - leider etwas spät.

                              Passt zu meiner 60er Saison bisher - gutes Renenn in Joop Sieferts - nicht gewertet weil der andere Server abraucht. Wiederholung verpasst, nächstes Rennen in der letzten Runde in ein Geländer geknallt. "Blöder" gehts kaum.

                              Zerknirschte Grüße

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                              Letzte Änderung: 25.10.2021 19:56 von rdjango.
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                              [DTR]_sHaGGy (Benutzer)
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                              Aw: Re:ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              byagm schrieb:

                              On many occasions there are many more important actions than a mistake that causes an accident, and these are never discussed because in the end there has been no accident as there has been a racer who has wanted to avoid an event (anticipating the wrong action of the other racer). This means that the racer who acts incorrectly will continue to do so forever, unless there is an accident.

                              Keep enjoying.

                              It's funny how certains mistakes in races cause long discussions in the forum and continued dirty actions only cause indifference.
                              The worst thing is that it no longer surprises us.
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                              Letzte Änderung: 25.10.2021 22:38 von [DTR]_sHaGGy.
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                              Linus64 (Benutzer)
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                              Aw: ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              Hi Leute

                              Was ich nicht verstehe wie man, jetzt noch
                              davon ausgehen kann das Vorderrad am Hinterrad
                              des Überholenden ( Schnautze reinhalten ),
                              wieder in ordnung ist, nach dem ich dachte
                              das wir das im Forum, hier geklärt hatten.

                              Vorderrad höhe A Säule- Tür.
                              So hatte man sich geeinigt, dachte ich.

                              Mr.agm: Du sagst immer das die, die immer
                              "zu machen" die schuldigen sind.
                              Das ist aber nicht so, weil der die Schnautze vorne
                              hat dem gehört die Ideallinie und der hintere
                              muss nachgeben.
                              Und ganz besonders in schnellen Kurven.
                              Wir haben ausführlich, hier im Forum diskutiert
                              und, so dachte ich auf oben genannte Regel geeinigt.

                              Also wie wäre es das mal an zu nehmen.

                              Super beispiel: Hamilton und Verstappen in Monza.

                              Wer war da schuld?

                              Gruss Wiege
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                              Manfred Haupenthal (Admin)
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                              Geschlecht: männlich Ort: Quierschied Geburtstag: 1956-11-13
                              Aw: ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              Vorderachse auf Höhe Hinterachse des Vordermanns um eine Lücke auszunutzen, die defintiv nicht da ist?
                              Nicht euer Ernst !
                              Auf diese Weise könnte ich mir in Monaco jede Menge Überholvorgänge erzwingen.
                              Ich habe es bisher grundsätzlich so gehalten, dass ich den Überholversuch nur durchziehe, wenn ich deutlich(am besten ganz) neben dem anderen Auto bin. Das gilt besonders in Spitzkehren, 90Grad- und Haarnadelkurven. Ansonsten ist es nichts anderes als eine "Divebomb".
                              In Macau z.Bsp. habe ich einen Überholversuch gegen Bernd nur gewagt, weil ich komplett neben ihm war. Mir ist dabei zwar ein Fehler unterlaufen, aber das habe ich mit Bernd im TS geklärt.

                              Ich sehe es ähnlich wie Andi(Droker). Es wird teilweise zu ernst genommen und sehr aggressiv gefahren. Manche bringen einfach nicht die Geduld auf, auf eine passende Gelegenheit zu warten und wollen ihr Glück erzwingen.

                              Allerdings finde ich, anders als Andi, das viele trainieren nicht schlimm. Es macht mir, wenn viele andere dabei sind, viel Spass. Wenn es hilft Strecke und Auto kennen zu lernen um im Rennen fehlerfrei und flott voran zu kommen, ist dagegen nichts einzuwenden.

                              Ich sehe, dass hier zwei Ansichten aufeinander treffen ,die nicht gut miteinander vereinbar sind, schade.

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                              MarcoMarcoo (Benutzer)
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                              Aw: ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              (German guy tries to write in english)

                              unpopular opinion:

                              I searched for some overtaking rules and found something on an F1 e-sports website.


                              point 5 says, that the car in front has the right to drive the racing line until the overtaking car is on the same height (BEFORE the first steering point)

                              point 1 says, that the overtake begins, when the front wing is on the same height as the rear wing from the car in front.

                              If I understood it correctly, then the car in front must be aware of the overtaking car but has the right to take the racing line until the overtaking car is in front.

                              I would like to quote F. Alonso too, who said: "All the time you have to leave the space"

                              Just my opinion, I'm not fully aware of the scenery here, so please don't blame me but maybe it can help

                              greets, Marco
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                              byagm (Benutzer)
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                              Aw: ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              So, help me to learn.
                              Example 1:

                              Blue car must brake (or decelerate) and cannot keep the inside because he's not completely parallel to the other car?

                              Example 2:

                              Light blue car must brake (or decelerate) and cannot keep the inside because he's not completely parallel to the other car?

                              Example 3:

                              Right car must brake (or decelerate) and cannot keep the inside because he's not completely parallel to the other car?
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                              MarcoMarcoo (Benutzer)
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                              Aw: ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              As far as I see yes. If the blue car on picture 1 can manage to be in front before they enter the turn then its alright. If they enter the corner in exact the same position as in the picture, the blue car has to decellerate.

                              the light blue car on picture 2 does the "hamilton-silverstone" move. the dark blue car leaves enough space but is allowed to take the racing line. If this comes to an crash, its the failure of the light blue car.

                              the third picture is also clear, the left car is in front and has the right to take the racing line, if the red car keeps the speed to overtake, he wont make it through the corner.
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                              MarcoMarcoo (Benutzer)
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                              Aw: ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              in addition to picture 2, you could watch this to understand whats happening:

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                              Bordi (Admin)
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                              Aw: ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              byAGM schreibt:So, help me to learn.
                              Example 1:

                              Blue car must brake (or decelerate) and cannot keep the inside because he's not completely parallel to the other car?
                              Thats right.
                              If the blue car does not come in front of the white car before the steering begins, the blue car has to give way.
                              The white car has the right to stay on the racing line.
                              Example 2:

                              Light blue car must brake (or decelerate) and cannot keep the inside because he's not completely parallel to the other car?
                              Thats right too.
                              The dark car has the right to the ideal line.
                              The light-colored car has to give way here.

                              Example 3:

                              Right car must brake (or decelerate) and cannot keep the inside because he's not completely parallel to the other car?
                              The same like point #1

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                              Letzte Änderung: 26.10.2021 13:15 von Bordi.
                              Rechtschreibfehler darfst Du gerne behalten.
                              Grammatikfehler bleiben mein geistiges Eigentum.


                              Dir passt mein Beitrag nicht? Schickt mir ne PM
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                              MarcoMarcoo (Benutzer)
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                              Aw: ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              please don't get me wrong. I don't want to be a teacher or something. This also aren't rules I made. I only think Formula 1 is an good example for those cases.

                              You can try to overtake in those positions but if it comes to a crash it will most likely be your fault.

                              I have another example. In this Video Daniel Ricciardo hits the brake as late as possible. they only came through the corner because Kimi oppened his steering. If Kimi woudn't have done it, it would've been Ricciardos fault. (and obviously both drivers were out of the race)


                              The Point of my explanation is, that we all shouldn't take it to personally. In ETCC no one can win Money and we all do this for fun (at least I hope so). There is just no point not to wait for a better chance, if that makes sense
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                              byagm (Benutzer)
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                              Aw: ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              sorry for the overtakes in the last 5 years.

                              ... and what a pity for the pity I've had when I have been slightly ahead.
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                              Letzte Änderung: 26.10.2021 13:26 von byagm.
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                              MoeZee (Benutzer)
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                              Aw: ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              The third picture is also clear, the left car is in front and has the right to take the racing line, if the red car keeps the speed to overtake, he wont make it through the corner.

                              I think the left car has a choice to make.

                              In the picture, it looks like they are approaching a medium to long corner.
                              yes, the left car should hold his line and in a way force the right car to back off or brake to maintain his lead on him.
                              but the left car could also stay a bit on the outside of the corner allowing the right car to come beside him in the corner and if the left car has that so call great momentum through the corner then the left car should be able the maintain his lead on the right car possibly even pull away for him.

                              but then it also depends on what and how long is the next corner.
                              If that corner was any shorter than it is, then the right car would have to back off to avoid a collision.
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                              Bordi (Admin)
                              Heuwägelchen - immer locker bleiben
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                              Aw: ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              sorry for the overtaked in the last 5 years.

                              ... and what a pity for the pity I've had when I have been slightly ahead.

                              Many factors have an influence on an overtaking maneuver.
                              Higher speed, better brakes, grip, ...
                              But from a purely technical point of view, MarcoMarcoo's description is correct.
                              What I have always valued highly here at the Altbierbude is:
                              That the better drivers showed consideration for the worse drivers.
                              Not as is currently the case, where the worse drivers should show consideration for the better drivers.

                              That has always distinguished this "Bude". A harmonious one with one another.

                              Euer Bordi
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                              Letzte Änderung: 26.10.2021 13:35 von Bordi.
                              Rechtschreibfehler darfst Du gerne behalten.
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                              byagm (Benutzer)
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                              Aw: ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              MarcoMarcoo schrieb:


                              Of course, If I brake like this I could overtake in almost every turn...


                              Just to be finally clear:
                              White car's turn is correct here?
                              (Sorry wiege, its an example that came to my mind this time )


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                              MarcoMarcoo (Benutzer)
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                              Aw: ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              basically yes. the white car could've left more space, but in fact that he's in front he is allowed to take the racing line.

                              If that would've been punished in a real race? I don't know.
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                              Bordi (Admin)
                              Heuwägelchen - immer locker bleiben
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                              Aw: ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              According to the rules, the white car should have braked and let the blue car take the ideal line.

                              Edit says:
                              With a harmonious relationship, it would certainly have gone through the curve as a couple.


                              Ich geh jetzt erstmal mit dem Hund raus.
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                              Letzte Änderung: 26.10.2021 13:48 von Bordi.
                              Rechtschreibfehler darfst Du gerne behalten.
                              Grammatikfehler bleiben mein geistiges Eigentum.


                              Dir passt mein Beitrag nicht? Schickt mir ne PM
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                              Aw: ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              Ok, now I'm confused too
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                              Aw: ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              no, the blue car is at fault. white car held his line through a medium to short corner.

                              but at 128.30 that is the proper cornering. agree?

                              i bring this up cause in this 128.30 video, i see where the blue car would use the right car to bump into him to allow the blue car to make that corner so many times. this where arguments happens.

                              go off the racing line you could be up for blame if a collision happens.
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                              Letzte Änderung: 26.10.2021 14:00 von MoeZee.
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                              rdjango (Moderator)
                              Das einzige Problem ist meine Fahrerei
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                              Aw: ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  

                              very interesting - old diskussion - no new content, ts ts ts.

                              Interesting the way to argument - if the facts are clear - they should since our last discussion about this - try examples which doesnt point exactly because there is too much space to the corner - tricky. And then try an example with your opponent in a situation where he perhaps makes the same mistake. Very thorough, really its worth of a Politican


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                              Letzte Änderung: 26.10.2021 14:02 von rdjango.
                              FAQ - Peanuts Racingteam - 70 Jahre Die Peanuts
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                              Re:ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              In most of the leagues I've been part, and in Formula 1, if the rear car's front tire has an overlap with front car's rear tire, the front car must leave space to the rear car.
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                              MichaW (Admin)
                              Ich vermisse unsere Gespräche Abends sehr :-(
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                              Aw: Re:ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              As a reminder...

                              We are not a league, we are Altbierbude and we have never been interested in how leagues are run. We make our own rules. Friendly, Together, Unforced (to any leagues rules)

                              Glück auf!
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                              † Ruhe in Frieden Carsten †
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                              Aw: Re:ABB 60s Cup 5 vor 2 Jahren, 11 Monaten  
                              MichaW schrieb:
                              As a reminder...

                              We are not a league, we are Altbierbude and we have never been interested in how leagues are run. We make our own rules. Friendly, Together, Unforced (to any leagues rules)

                              Glück auf!

                              Ok I agree with the latter. I would like to be sure that I am complying with those standards.
                              Some of my overtaking attempts in Macau were aggressive, but it's Macau and I just waited for my opponent's failure. However, the way of defending the position I think was unnatural, on 3 occasions, with forced trajectories that made me touch the wall.


                              I would like to hear opinions about this particular case ...
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