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                              Lancia Beta Montecarlo Turbo Group5 Release (1 Leser) (1) Gast
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                              THEMA: Lancia Beta Montecarlo Turbo Group5 Release
                              H1TM4N (Admin)
                              Registriert seit
                              2007-09-22 11:56:46
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                              2021-09-24 02:21:43
                              Beiträge: 693
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                              Geschlecht: männlich Ort: Nordenham
                              Lancia Beta Montecarlo Turbo Group5 Release vor 3 Jahren, 9 Monaten  
                              Brickyard Legends Team present :
                              Lancia Beta Montecarlo Turbo Group5 and DRM.

                              After a half hearted entry into Group 5 racing with the Stratos turbo in 1976 (a car that in fact showed some promise) Lancia got into group 5 for real in 1979 with the Beta Montecarlo turbo.
                              The Lancia was built to run in the under 2 liter Group 5 category, turbo engines at no more than 1.4 liters were classified at the 2 liter equivalency.
                              This was a good move on Lancias part as class winning points could be counted towards the over all title. This meant they could score championship points without having to exactly go head to head with the Porsche 935 which was obviously an over 2 liter car.

                              There was simply very little competition for the Lancia in the under 2 liter class apart form several N/A BMW 320s and a few other privet entries.
                              Things over in Germany had already shown that the N/A cars had no real chance against the 1.4 turbos even at the higher weight that the DRM turbos had to race at. A weight increase that Lancia were not required to carry in FIA Group 5 competition.
                              So even though they were no match for the 935 on raw speed, reliability and class dominance won Lancia the championship in 1980 and 81 also helped by the fact that Porsche factory support had switched to sports car racing by 1979.
                              In 1981 a 1.8liter engine was built with an eye on running in the bigger class to challenge the 935 these cars were run in practice at Monza but not raced. Both 1.8liter cars were raced at the Nurnburgring 1000km. it seems the 1.8l engines were not used again.

                              GS tuning entered the Lancia Beta turbo in the German DRM Division 2 in 1980. The DRM series had adopted the Group 5 rules almost right away and like I mentioned above it had become obvious early that the 1.4 turbo cars would completely dominate the 2.0 NA cars. This led the DRM to add a full 150 KG! to the 1.4 turbo cars. It made no difference It still took a turbo car to win.
                              The Lancia took on the roll the BMW 320i turbo had been playing of trying to keep up with the Zakspeed Capri and the Lancia looked up to the job right away qualifying on pole in Div2 at the season opener at Zolder with Hans Heyer driving. While over the course of the season the Capri proved to be the faster car with 8 poles and 4 wins to the Lancias 2 and 2, the Lancia won the Championship with better consistency.

                              - mod includes eight physics sets :
                              Group 5 cars:
                              TURO_BETA_GR579.HDC - 1979 Group 5 cars 1.4lt
                              TURO_BETA_GR580.HDC - 1980 Group 5 cars 1.4lt
                              TURO_BETA_GR581.HDC - 1981 Group 5 cars 1.4lt
                              TURO_BETA_GR58118.HDC - 1981 Group 5 car 1.8lt #28
                              TURO_BETA_GR581118D.HDC - 1981 Group 5 car 1.8lt with diffuser and front wing. #17
                              DRM cars:
                              TURO_BETA_DRM80.HDC - 1980 DRM div2 cars 1.4lt
                              TURO_BETA_DRM81.HDC - 1981 DRM div2 cars 1.4lt
                              TURO_BETA_DRM81D.HDC - 1981 DRM div2 cars 1.4lt with rear diffuser.

                              - the mod is linked to GTC-TC-76 class and the BMW CSL.

                              - uses a version of the sounds from the Toyota Celica turbo mod, so you will need that mod for the Lancia sounds to work.

                              Credits :
                              - papag21 : 3d, mapping, file structure, skins
                              - Greg7 : physics
                              - jandri : sounds
                              - Toto090369 : skins white DRM #51 Zolder Pole sitter 1980

                              Installation instructions:
                              - extract folder to X:/GTL/

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                              Duleto (Benutzer)
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                              Registriert seit
                              2020-04-13 01:04:05
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                              2024-11-29 21:50:30
                              Beiträge: 302
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                              Geschlecht: männlich Ort: Kyustendil, Bulgaria
                              Re:Lancia Beta Montecarlo Turbo Group5 Release vor 3 Jahren, 9 Monaten  
                              You guys are amazing. Total respect!
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                                Kein öffentlicher Schreibzugriff erlaubt, bitte erst registrieren!
                              Duleto (Benutzer)
                              Gold Boarder
                              Registriert seit
                              2020-04-13 01:04:05
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                              2024-11-29 21:50:30
                              Beiträge: 302
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                              Geschlecht: männlich Ort: Kyustendil, Bulgaria
                              Re:Lancia Beta Montecarlo Turbo Group5 Release vor 3 Jahren, 9 Monaten  
                              The car is really good and the sounds are awesome. I made a few laps with it. You can take a look here:

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                              Steve Settanta (Benutzer)
                              Expert Boarder
                              Registriert seit
                              2015-07-08 08:02:48
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                              2022-01-01 12:47:09
                              Beiträge: 98
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                              Geschlecht: männlich Ort: Sesto San Giovanni - Milano - Italy Geburtstag: 1970-07-15
                              Aw: Lancia Beta Montecarlo Turbo Group5 Release vor 3 Jahren, 9 Monaten  
                              Thanks you! Wonderful car!
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                              Keep calm and wait the chequered flag...
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                              ETCC 16 - Race 9 - Rouen-Les-Essarts_1955



                              Stand: 2025-02-08 14:23:39

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                              Stand: 2025-02-08 14:23:39

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                              Stand: 2025-02-08 14:23:39

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                              Mike N 2025-02-07 19:34
                              Aw: Some cars crash the game
                              MichaW 2025-02-04 08:38
                              Aw: Grafikproblem, bitte um Hilfe
                              Erel 68 2025-02-03 15:41
                              Aw: Detroit 88
                              MichaW 2025-02-02 22:23
                              Aw: ETCC 16 - Fahrer Börse
                              MichaW 2025-02-01 21:55
                              Aw: Spenden / Donations Bierbuden
                              dikl 2025-02-01 17:33
                              Aw: Lenkrad, Pedale, Shifter
                              Gregory 2025-01-26 22:29
                              Aw: Spielabsturz
                              dikl 2025-01-24 18:07
                              Driver: Red Comet
                              RedComet 2025-01-24 06:02
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                              Bordi 2025-01-21 21:59
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                              MichaW 2025-01-19 17:37
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                              ThunderSL 2025-01-18 22:46
                              Aw: Ein "neuer" Alter......
                              Rotti_NF 2025-01-18 20:02
                              Aw: Rückblick 2024
                              Joe Watchman 2025-01-17 12:06

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                              Stand: 2025-02-08 14:23:39

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                              Stand: 2025-02-08 14:23:20

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                              • Manfred Haupenthal
                                Teretonga: 00:01:11.841
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                                08.Feb.25 -12:44
                              • Manfred Haupenthal
                                Teretonga: 00:01:09.518
                                (Matra Djet Vs 1300cc)
                                08.Feb.25 -12:38
                              • girindus
                                Mainz-Finthen: 00:01:06.879
                                (Renault 5 Alpine Turbo Coupe)
                                08.Feb.25 -11:48
                              • girindus
                                Ledenon 2008: 00:01:38.725
                                (Renault Alpine A110)
                                08.Feb.25 -11:13
                              • girindus
                                Nürburgring MB: 00:00:47.226
                                (Renault Alpine A110)
                                08.Feb.25 -10:45
                              • girindus
                                Kassel-Calden: 00:00:43.396
                                (Renault Alpine A110)
                                08.Feb.25 -10:29
                              • Langen
                                Detroit 1988: 00:02:09.987
                                (BMW 320)
                                08.Feb.25 -10:17
                              • girindus
                                Halle: 00:02:04.402
                                (Renault Alpine A110)
                                08.Feb.25 -10:16
                              • Langen
                                Detroit 1988: 00:02:09.670
                                (BMW CSL)
                                08.Feb.25 -10:07
                              • MarcoMarco
                                Teretonga: 00:01:10.685
                                (Simca 1200S)
                                07.Feb.25 -22:23

                              Stand: 2025-02-08 14:23:26

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                              in 176 Runden

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                              817,37 km
                              in 179 Runden

                              Manfred Haupenthal
                              961.374,42 km
                              in 214.343 Runden

                              --- Gesamtstatistik ---

                              in Woche 06:
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                              in 1.704 Runden

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                              66 Fahrer
                              18.497,35 km
                              in 4.781 Runden

                              8748 Fahrer
                              49.794.956,29 km
                              in 11.307.667 Runden

                              Und wann schaust DU mal rein?

                              Stand: 2025-02-08 14:01:05