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                              TOPIC: GTL crash
                              Greglin (User)
                              Senior Boarder
                              Register Date
                              2013-01-14 12:40:25
                              Latest Post
                              2022-04-28 23:48:13
                              Posts: 60
                              User Offline Click here to see the profile of this user
                              GTL crash 2 Years, 4 Months ago  
                              Hallo, ich hatte meine alte PLR Datei ruiniert (aus Gründen...) und habe mir ein neues Profil erstellt (gleicher Name) und das alte gelöscht. Wenn ich jetzt ein Fahrzeug auswähle und auf den Track will stürzt GTL nach kurzem Überlegen ab. Im Updater hab ich neue Installation (Kommando) ausgewählt und rattern lassen bis "Gutes Rennen". Die Car Classes vom 18.3. habe ich runtergeladen und reinkopiert. Der Crash geschieht offline wie online. Was kann ich unternehmen ? Vielen Dank !

                              Nachtrag: gerade ging Einloggen auf Server 3, Greenwood , online wie offline , 2 versch. Cars :::
                              Profil anzeigen lassen auf erster Seite des Spiels dauert ca 30 sec bis es erscheint ....Morgen weitersehen---

                              Day after: GTL lässt sich nicht mehr über lowguard starten.....Start über gtl.exe : GTL schmiert ab sobald der Track fertig geladen ist. Bevor der Track erscheint stürzt gtl ab, auch offline geht nix

                              lowguard geht wieder
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                              Last Edit: 2022/04/27 09:26 By Greglin.
                                The administrator has disabled public write access.
                              hayman3030 (User)
                              Gold Boarder
                              Register Date
                              2010-09-10 16:33:17
                              Latest Post
                              2022-04-29 18:04:42
                              Posts: 228
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                              Aw: GTL crash 2 Years, 4 Months ago  
                              GTL aus Autoupdater starten......
                              Report to moderator   Logged Logged  
                              No Lowguard ? Your laptimes dont impress me !
                                The administrator has disabled public write access.
                              MichaelE39 (User)
                              #ETCC XV# Die Örliebraker
                              Platinum Boarder
                              Register Date
                              2012-04-28 22:41:40
                              Latest Post
                              2024-09-02 00:14:38
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                              Gender: Male Location: OWL Birthdate: 1969-03-02
                              Aw: GTL crash 2 Years, 4 Months ago  

                              du könntest GTL mit dem Parameter -trace starten. Synstax so:

                              "e:\spiele\GTL\GTL.exe" -trace=1000"

                              Dann den den Inhalt der Trace Datei hier posten.

                              Die findest du dann im Ordner \GTL\UserData\LOG

                              Welches Windows ?

                              GTL läuft mit Adminrechten ?

                              GTLconfig.exe mit Adminrechten konfiguriert ?

                              4GB Patch installiert ?

                              Installation gemäß Reihenfolge FAQ durchgeführt?

                              =>1. DVD Installation machen - Wichtig! Spiel jetzt nicht starten.
                              2. Update V. aufspielen
                              3. Python, Wxpython und den Autoupdater nacheinander installieren
                              4. Im Autoupdater unter Tweaks den GTL-Patch durchführen - dauert etwas, da ca. 170 MB herunter geladen werden müssen.
                              5. Autoupdater laufen lassen - und:
                              in Geduld üben - die Installation hat z.Zt. ca 15 GB, die muss der Autoupdater erst herunterladen.
                              6. Wenn der Autoupdater fertig ist unter Tweaks alle Fahrzeuge freischalten (TG2001.DYN erstellen) und die Fahrzeugpreise auf 1 setzen (nicht 0)
                              7. GTL starten, neues Profil erstellen und los gehts.
                              Report to moderator   Logged Logged  
                              Grüße aus dem Wittekindskreis

                              „Es wird Wagen geben, die von keinem Tier gezogen werden und mit unglaublicher Gewalt daherfahren.“
                              Leonardo da Vinci
                                The administrator has disabled public write access.
                              Greglin (User)
                              Senior Boarder
                              Register Date
                              2013-01-14 12:40:25
                              Latest Post
                              2022-04-28 23:48:13
                              Posts: 60
                              User Offline Click here to see the profile of this user
                              Aw: GTL crash 2 Years, 4 Months ago  
                              Hi Michael, Vielen Dank ! Ich probiere noch das ein oder andere. Wenn ich nicht weiterkomme muss ich wohl neu installieren (Win 11)
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                                The administrator has disabled public write access.
                              Greglin (User)
                              Senior Boarder
                              Register Date
                              2013-01-14 12:40:25
                              Latest Post
                              2022-04-28 23:48:13
                              Posts: 60
                              User Offline Click here to see the profile of this user
                              Aw: GTL crash 2 Years, 4 Months ago  
                              oki, hier ist die trace Datei. Ich kopiere die mal hier rein, hoffe das ist so der beste Weg....thx für comments
                              __________________________________________________ ______

                              TRACE LEVEL = 1000
                              NetComm.cpp 7639: NetComm checking command line: "-trace=1000""
                              game.cpp 622: Entered Game::Enter()
                              osman.cpp 480: Entered OSMan::Enter()
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VOLVO_P1800.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VOLVO_P1800.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find VOLVO_P1800.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find .HED
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_FSPRINT.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORDTVRSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MUSTANG.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find FORD_MUSTANG.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGUAR_MKII.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find JAGSOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find LOTUS_CORTINA.CAS
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find CORTINASOUNDS.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find MINI.HDC
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find AUSTIN_MINI.AUD
                              setup.cpp 1088: Could not find SIMCA_RALLYE2_SOUNDS.AUD
                              vidman.cpp 1044: Entered VidMan::Enter()
                              specialfx.cp 3138: Entered SpecialFX::Enter()
                              dynman.cpp 632: Entered DynMan::Enter()
                              plrfile.cpp 3334: Entered PlayerFile::Enter()
                              sound.cpp 725: Entered Sound::Enter()
                              hwinput.cpp 6369: Entered HWInput::Enter()
                              onscreen.cpp 2941: Entered OnScreen::Enter()
                              game.cpp 717: Entered Game:etup()
                              hwinput.cpp 6383: Entered HWInput:etup()
                              options.cpp 1561: Entered Options:etup()
                              plrfile.cpp 2510: Attempting to save to USERDATA\Gregman\Gregman.TMP
                              plrfile.cpp 2533: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\Gregman\Gregman.PLR
                              O_AppGz.cpp 30681: Join Session was successful, setting local session description:
                              O_AppGz.cpp 30682: ** Session Name:
                              O_AppGz.cpp 30683: ** Scene Base: GreenwoodRoadway_64
                              O_AppGz.cpp 30684: ** AI Opp: 0
                              O_AppGz.cpp 30685: ** Human Opp: 0
                              O_AppGz.cpp 30686: ** Max Players: 37
                              O_AppGz.cpp 30681: Join Session was successful, setting local session description:
                              O_AppGz.cpp 30682: ** Session Name:
                              O_AppGz.cpp 30683: ** Scene Base: Woodside19xx
                              O_AppGz.cpp 30684: ** AI Opp: 0
                              O_AppGz.cpp 30685: ** Human Opp: 0
                              O_AppGz.cpp 30686: ** Max Players: 37
                              specialfx.cp 3144: Entered SpecialFX:etup()
                              steward.cpp 4585: Entered Steward:etup()
                              dynman.cpp 644: Entered DynMan:etup()
                              sound.cpp 748: Entered Sound:etup()
                              onscreen.cpp 2947: Entered OnScreen:etup()
                              vidman.cpp 1184: Entered VidMan:etup()
                              plrfile.cpp 3344: Entered PlayerFile:etup()
                              plrfile.cpp 2510: Attempting to save to USERDATA\Gregman\Gregman.TMP
                              plrfile.cpp 2533: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\Gregman\Gregman.PLR
                              game.cpp 764: Entered Game::Init()
                              vidman.cpp 1237: Entered VidMan::Init()
                              ai_db.cpp 2143: Entered AIDatabase::Init()
                              steward.cpp 4680: Entered Steward::Init()
                              hwinput.cpp 6426: Entered HWInput::Init()
                              specialfx.cp 3255: Entered SpecialFX::Init()
                              htree.cpp 384: Gaussian elimination for HAT poly failed once
                              htree.cpp 422: Gaussian elimination for HAT poly failed twice
                              htree.cpp 384: Gaussian elimination for HAT poly failed once
                              htree.cpp 422: Gaussian elimination for HAT poly failed twice
                              htree.cpp 384: Gaussian elimination for HAT poly failed once
                              htree.cpp 384: Gaussian elimination for HAT poly failed once
                              htree.cpp 422: Gaussian elimination for HAT poly failed twice
                              htree.cpp 384: Gaussian elimination for HAT poly failed once
                              htree.cpp 422: Gaussian elimination for HAT poly failed twice
                              htree.cpp 384: Gaussian elimination for HAT poly failed once
                              htree.cpp 422: Gaussian elimination for HAT poly failed twice
                              htree.cpp 384: Gaussian elimination for HAT poly failed once
                              htree.cpp 422: Gaussian elimination for HAT poly failed twice
                              htree.cpp 384: Gaussian elimination for HAT poly failed once
                              htree.cpp 422: Gaussian elimination for HAT poly failed twice
                              htree.cpp 384: Gaussian elimination for HAT poly failed once
                              htree.cpp 422: Gaussian elimination for HAT poly failed twice
                              htree.cpp 384: Gaussian elimination for HAT poly failed once
                              htree.cpp 422: Gaussian elimination for HAT poly failed twice
                              htree.cpp 422: Gaussian elimination for HAT poly failed twice
                              dynman.cpp 674: Entered DynMan::Init()
                              slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
                              vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\ABB-ZWERGE\1970 MINI 850\F906\..\MINI_850D76.CAS)
                              dynman.cpp 803: Exited DynMan::Init()
                              LensFlare.cp 59: Entered LensFlare::Init()
                              camera.cpp 4125: Entered CamMan::Init()
                              sound.cpp 753: Entered Sound::Init()
                              render.cpp 286: Entered Render::Init()
                              onscreen.cpp 2953: Entered OnScreen::Init()
                              AnimationLoa 24: AnimationLoader::Load(Woodside19xx.ani)
                              game.cpp 893: Entered Game::Restart()
                              NetComm.cpp 8844: Entering "SynchronizeWithServer()"
                              sound.cpp 760: Entered Sound::Restart()
                              steward.cpp 4835: Entered Steward::Restart()
                              specialfx.cp 3732: Entered SpecialFX::Restart()
                              hwinput.cpp 6437: Entered HWInput::Restart()
                              dynman.cpp 811: Entered DynMan::Restart()
                              driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
                              camera.cpp 4149: Entered CamMan::Restart()
                              render.cpp 302: Entered Render::Restart()
                              onscreen.cpp 2973: Entered OnScreen::Restart()
                              vidman.cpp 1454: Entered VidMan::Restart()
                              plrfile.cpp 3381: Entered PlayerFile::Restart()
                              game.cpp 1087: Entered Game:ost()
                              sound.cpp 849: Entered Sound:ost()
                              specialfx.cp 3868: Entered SpecialFX:ost()
                              steward.cpp 5363: Entered Steward:ost()
                              hwinput.cpp 6467: Entered HWInput:ost()
                              dynman.cpp 1516: Entered DynMan:ost()
                              camera.cpp 4295: Entered CamMan:ost()
                              render.cpp 480: Entered Render:ost()
                              onscreen.cpp 3038: Entered OnScreen:ost()
                              vidman.cpp 1759: Entered VidMan:ost()
                              plrfile.cpp 3386: Entered PlayerFile:ost()
                              plrfile.cpp 2510: Attempting to save to USERDATA\Gregman\Gregman.TMP
                              plrfile.cpp 2533: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\Gregman\Gregman.PLR
                              game.cpp 717: Entered Game:etup()
                              hwinput.cpp 6383: Entered HWInput:etup()
                              options.cpp 1561: Entered Options:etup()
                              O_AppGz.cpp 30681: Join Session was successful, setting local session description:
                              O_AppGz.cpp 30682: ** Session Name:
                              O_AppGz.cpp 30683: ** Scene Base: GreenwoodRoadway_64
                              O_AppGz.cpp 30684: ** AI Opp: 0
                              O_AppGz.cpp 30685: ** Human Opp: 0
                              O_AppGz.cpp 30686: ** Max Players: 37
                              specialfx.cp 3144: Entered SpecialFX:etup()
                              steward.cpp 4585: Entered Steward:etup()
                              dynman.cpp 644: Entered DynMan:etup()
                              sound.cpp 748: Entered Sound:etup()
                              onscreen.cpp 2947: Entered OnScreen:etup()
                              vidman.cpp 1184: Entered VidMan:etup()
                              plrfile.cpp 3344: Entered PlayerFile:etup()
                              plrfile.cpp 2510: Attempting to save to USERDATA\Gregman\Gregman.TMP
                              plrfile.cpp 2533: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\Gregman\Gregman.PLR
                              game.cpp 764: Entered Game::Init()
                              vidman.cpp 1237: Entered VidMan::Init()
                              ai_db.cpp 2143: Entered AIDatabase::Init()
                              steward.cpp 4680: Entered Steward::Init()
                              hwinput.cpp 6426: Entered HWInput::Init()
                              specialfx.cp 3255: Entered SpecialFX::Init()
                              dynman.cpp 674: Entered DynMan::Init()
                              slot.cpp 291: Entered Slot::Init()
                              vehgfx.cpp 2520: Entered VehGraphics::Init(GAMEDATA\TEAMS\ABB-ZWERGE\1970 MINI 850\F906\..\MINI_850D76.CAS)
                              dynman.cpp 803: Exited DynMan::Init()
                              LensFlare.cp 59: Entered LensFlare::Init()
                              camera.cpp 4125: Entered CamMan::Init()
                              sound.cpp 753: Entered Sound::Init()
                              render.cpp 286: Entered Render::Init()
                              onscreen.cpp 2953: Entered OnScreen::Init()
                              AnimationLoa 24: AnimationLoader::Load(GreenwoodRoadway_64.ani)
                              game.cpp 893: Entered Game::Restart()
                              NetComm.cpp 8844: Entering "SynchronizeWithServer()"
                              sound.cpp 760: Entered Sound::Restart()
                              steward.cpp 4835: Entered Steward::Restart()
                              specialfx.cp 3732: Entered SpecialFX::Restart()
                              hwinput.cpp 6437: Entered HWInput::Restart()
                              dynman.cpp 811: Entered DynMan::Restart()
                              driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
                              camera.cpp 4149: Entered CamMan::Restart()
                              render.cpp 302: Entered Render::Restart()
                              onscreen.cpp 2973: Entered OnScreen::Restart()
                              vidman.cpp 1454: Entered VidMan::Restart()
                              plrfile.cpp 3381: Entered PlayerFile::Restart()
                              game.cpp 893: Entered Game::Restart()
                              sound.cpp 760: Entered Sound::Restart()
                              steward.cpp 4835: Entered Steward::Restart()
                              specialfx.cp 3732: Entered SpecialFX::Restart()
                              hwinput.cpp 6437: Entered HWInput::Restart()
                              dynman.cpp 811: Entered DynMan::Restart()
                              driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
                              driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
                              driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
                              driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
                              driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
                              camera.cpp 4149: Entered CamMan::Restart()
                              render.cpp 302: Entered Render::Restart()
                              onscreen.cpp 2973: Entered OnScreen::Restart()
                              vidman.cpp 1454: Entered VidMan::Restart()
                              plrfile.cpp 3381: Entered PlayerFile::Restart()
                              game.cpp 893: Entered Game::Restart()
                              sound.cpp 760: Entered Sound::Restart()
                              steward.cpp 4835: Entered Steward::Restart()
                              specialfx.cp 3732: Entered SpecialFX::Restart()
                              hwinput.cpp 6437: Entered HWInput::Restart()
                              dynman.cpp 811: Entered DynMan::Restart()
                              driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
                              driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
                              driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
                              driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
                              driver.cpp 624: Race Ability: 3.000000 CorneringAdd: 1.500000
                              camera.cpp 4149: Entered CamMan::Restart()
                              render.cpp 302: Entered Render::Restart()
                              onscreen.cpp 2973: Entered OnScreen::Restart()
                              vidman.cpp 1454: Entered VidMan::Restart()
                              plrfile.cpp 3381: Entered PlayerFile::Restart()
                              game.cpp 1087: Entered Game:ost()
                              sound.cpp 849: Entered Sound:ost()
                              specialfx.cp 3868: Entered SpecialFX:ost()
                              steward.cpp 5363: Entered Steward:ost()
                              hwinput.cpp 6467: Entered HWInput:ost()
                              dynman.cpp 1516: Entered DynMan:ost()
                              camera.cpp 4295: Entered CamMan:ost()
                              render.cpp 480: Entered Render:ost()
                              onscreen.cpp 3038: Entered OnScreen:ost()
                              vidman.cpp 1759: Entered VidMan:ost()
                              plrfile.cpp 3386: Entered PlayerFile:ost()
                              plrfile.cpp 2510: Attempting to save to USERDATA\Gregman\Gregman.TMP
                              plrfile.cpp 2533: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\Gregman\Gregman.PLR
                              game.cpp 717: Entered Game:etup()
                              hwinput.cpp 6383: Entered HWInput:etup()
                              options.cpp 1561: Entered Options:etup()
                              plrfile.cpp 2510: Attempting to save to USERDATA\Gregman\Gregman.TMP
                              plrfile.cpp 2533: Retcode: 0 for renaming to USERDATA\Gregman\Gregman.PLR
                              game.cpp 1141: Entered Game::Exit()
                              sound.cpp 856: Entered Sound::Exit()
                              specialfx.cp 3906: Entered SpecialFX::Exit()
                              hwinput.cpp 6491: Entered HWInput::Exit()
                              dynman.cpp 1541: Entered DynMan::Exit()
                              onscreen.cpp 3056: Entered OnScreen::Exit()
                              vidman.cpp 1796: Entered VidMan::Exit()
                              osman.cpp 516: Entered OSMan::Exit()
                              Report to moderator   Logged Logged  
                                The administrator has disabled public write access.
                              Greglin (User)
                              Senior Boarder
                              Register Date
                              2013-01-14 12:40:25
                              Latest Post
                              2022-04-28 23:48:13
                              Posts: 60
                              User Offline Click here to see the profile of this user
                              Aw: GTL crash 2 Years, 4 Months ago  
                              sieht übel aus
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                                The administrator has disabled public write access.
                              Greglin (User)
                              Senior Boarder
                              Register Date
                              2013-01-14 12:40:25
                              Latest Post
                              2022-04-28 23:48:13
                              Posts: 60
                              User Offline Click here to see the profile of this user
                              Aw: GTL crash 2 Years, 4 Months ago  
                              Win 11,,,dachte im Kompatibilitätsmodus läufts aber auch die Optik ist seltsam,,Statt Haube sehe ich einen schwarzen Streifen von links nach rechts da wo die Haube sonst ist. Bild und Frames scheinen gut zu sein. A1 Ring
                              zb in der Ferne stückchenweiser Bildaufbau...kein FFB
                              Report to moderator   Logged Logged  
                              Last Edit: 2022/04/28 00:36 By Greglin.
                                The administrator has disabled public write access.
                              rdjango (Moderator)
                              Das einzige Problem ist meine Fahrerei
                              Register Date
                              2009-05-03 22:27:32
                              Latest Post
                              2024-09-06 17:56:33
                              Posts: 3207
                              User Offline Click here to see the profile of this user
                              Aw: GTL crash 2 Years, 4 Months ago  

                              den Kompatibilitätsmodus haben wir schon mit Win10 beerdigt. Als admin ausführen reicht dort, 11 kenn ich noch nicht.


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                              FAQ - Peanuts Racingteam - 70 Jahre Die Peanuts
                                The administrator has disabled public write access.
                              Greglin (User)
                              Senior Boarder
                              Register Date
                              2013-01-14 12:40:25
                              Latest Post
                              2022-04-28 23:48:13
                              Posts: 60
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                              Aw: GTL crash 2 Years, 4 Months ago  
                              Hallo Reinold, Danke für den Tipp /// mein GTL funzt wieder !! yeah
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                              hayman3030 (User)
                              Gold Boarder
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                              2010-09-10 16:33:17
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                              2022-04-29 18:04:42
                              Posts: 228
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                              Aw: GTL crash 2 Years, 4 Months ago  
                              Congrats !
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                              No Lowguard ? Your laptimes dont impress me !
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                              ETCC 16 - Prolog



                              updated: 2024-09-21 03:28:15

                              Our Offer


                              updated: 2024-09-21 03:28:17

                              Latest Downloads

                              Ika Torino (Update)
                              F1 1979
                              Altbierbuden Car Classes (Update)
                              Porsche 911 Carrera RSR IMSA (Update)
                              Milbantos (Update)

                              updated: 2024-09-21 03:28:15

                              Latest Thanks

                              JPGamers 2024-09-18 02:31

                              Sylvian 2024-09-13 10:49

                              lorreb 2024-09-10 10:34

                              CX650 2024-09-09 22:40

                              CX650 2024-09-08 21:21

                              Forum - Latest Subjects

                              Aw: Budentreffen SpaFrancorchamps 2024
                              Holger_B 2024-09-19 20:13
                              Aw: Rookie-Server
                              Bordi 2024-09-19 04:09
                              Aw: Jubiläum und Vorstellung
                              Bordi 2024-09-18 00:29
                              Aw: Formel 1 1979 Release
                              Organisation 2024-09-17 08:50
                              Aw: Ford Escort Cup 2024
                              MichaW 2024-09-13 19:20
                              Aw: Keine Verbindung zur Lobby
                              Bordi 2024-09-11 19:23
                              Aw: FAQ - Tipps und Tricks
                              Bordi 2024-09-09 09:03
                              Aw: Goodwood revival 2024
                              birke 2024-09-08 16:56
                              ETCC 16 Information
                              Organisation 2024-09-07 16:48
                              Aw: Musik gefällig?
                              birke 2024-09-06 12:19
                              GTL LOD base
                              BRF1 2024-09-06 10:23
                              Aw: Wünsch Dir was
                              Bordi 2024-09-03 14:13
                              Aw: Porsche Super Cup '24
                              Organisation 2024-09-02 08:05
                              Aw: ETCC 16 - Fahrer Börse
                              MichaW 2024-09-01 08:35
                              Aw: Fanatec Lenkrad gesucht, Notfall
                              Bordi 2024-08-25 18:13

                              ==> Posts 7d.

                              updated: 2024-09-21 03:28:21

                              Bierbuden GTL-Lobby


                              updated: 2024-09-21 03:27:47

                              ABB Server #1


                              ABB Server #2


                              ABB Server #3


                              ABB Server #4


                              ABB Server #5


                              ABB Server #6


                              ABB Server #7


                              ABB Server #8


                              Latest Personal Best Laps

                              • (DTR)byAGM
                                NoS 1975: 00:08:28.281
                                (Porsche Carrera RSR 1975)
                              • rdjango
                                Goodwood: 00:01:27.449
                                (Ford Escort 1300GT)
                              • Marius
                                Goodwood: 00:01:28.915
                                (Ford Escort 1300GT)
                              • rdjango
                                Goodwood: 00:01:30.593
                                (Ford Escort MKI 1.3 Sport)
                              • loite
                                Goodwood: 00:01:29.804
                                (Ford Escort MKI 1.3 Sport)
                              • Marius
                                Goodwood: 00:01:31.963
                                (Ford Escort MKI 1.3 Sport)
                              • stokkie65
                                Goodwood: 00:01:31.374
                                (Ford Escort MKI 1.3 Sport)
                              • Scholli113
                                Oesterreich 1970: 00:02:09.207
                                (Ford Escort 1300GT)
                              • loite
                                Oesterreich 1970: 00:02:06.532
                                (Ford Escort 1300GT)
                              • wiege
                                Oesterreich 1970: 00:02:05.675
                                (Ford Escort 1300GT)

                              updated: 2024-09-21 03:31:43

                              Gameserver Statistic

                              --- Latest Driver ---


                              --- Most Active Driver ---

                              in week 38:
                              623,14 km
                              in 132 laps

                              in September:
                              Björn GER
                              3.177,62 km
                              in 603 laps

                              Manfred Haupenthal
                              949.729,49 km
                              in 211.907 laps

                              --- Total statistics ---

                              in week 38:
                              35 driver
                              8.668,46 km
                              in 1.612 laps

                              in September:
                              61 driver
                              49.334,42 km
                              in 10.202 laps

                              8736 driver
                              49.387.259,13 km
                              in 11.218.179 laps

                              When will YOU join?

                              updated: 2024-09-21 03:01:06