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                              Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Disconnect nach Runde 1 (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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                              TOPIC: Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Disconnect nach Runde 1
                              MichaW (Admin)
                              Ich vermisse unsere Gespräche Abends sehr :-(
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                              Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 10 Months ago  

                              hat irgendwer eine Idee, warum der arme Rogerio Molleri immer genau dann nach Runde 1 vom Server fliegt, sobald der Führende die Ziellinie überquert hat?
                              Ich weiß dass das vor einigen Jahren mal der !Dirk hatte, aber ich weiß nicht mehr was die Lösung des Problems war...

                              Danke für Hinweise und Glück auf!
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                              † Ruhe in Frieden Carsten †
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                              Classicracer2 (User)
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                              Aw: Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 10 Months ago  

                              Ja stimmt, !Dirk hatte das gleiche Problem, da erinnere ich mich gut daran, denn ich hab damals sehr viel mit ihm herumexperimentiert um das Problem zu lösen, aber eine wirkliche Ursache konnten wir bis zum Schluss nur vermuten.
                              Gelöst wurde das Problem dadurch, das ich ihm meine komplette GTL-CD als rar-Datei gepackt und via weTransfer in einzelnen Paketen geschickt habe. Nachdem er dies entpackt und damit eine Neuinstallation gemacht hatte, lief alles einwandfrei.
                              Daher vermuteten wir, das seine Installations-CD fehlerhaft war (was aber eher unwahrscheinlich ist, da ja bis auf den Disconnect-Fehler sonst alles lief).

                              Ich schaue nachher mal, ob ich noch die gepackten Dateien habe, die ich !Dirk geschickt hab, dann könnte ich diese auch Rogerio zum Download bereitstellen.

                              Einen Versuch ist's wert wenn's funktioniert, selbst wenn wir dann den eigentlichen Grund für die Disconnects immernoch nicht kennen.
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                              Last Edit: 2019/11/23 07:06 By Classicracer2.
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                              byagm (User)
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                              Re:Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 10 Months ago  
                              My point of view of that when that happened to me (I'm probably absolutely wrong but thats what I aproximately understood because of what the solution was when it happened to me):

                              Everyone of us has a public IP on the internet (example 293.533.245.23).
                              When you are racing, the server understands that YOU, aka 293.533.245.23 are everytime running laps on the track. So whats the problem? Because there are no ip-s for everybody in the world, the ip-s change.
                              Its possible that you start a lap being 293.533.245.23( A ) and finish your lap being 394.201.423.566( B ) so the server must know that ( A ) and ( B ) are the same racer.
                              My internet provider made something to let the servers know what my new adress was and it worked.

                              Maybe with 17 points of tracert that is still more difficult...

                              (Probably its an stupidity and Im absolutely wrong but there are my two cents )

                              Good luck Rogero.
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                              Last Edit: 2019/11/23 16:48 By byagm.
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                              Harald Arry (User)
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                              Aw: Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 10 Months ago  
                              Hallo zusammen,

                              > Its possible that you start a lap being 293.533.245.23( A ) and finish your lap being 394.201.423.566( B )

                              this is not possible. You get your IP( A ) from your provider while accessing the internet - these adress last for the whole session. Session end = disconnecting from the net. If you have a disconnect, the adress-lease ends and you get a new IP( B ). With youre new adress GTL dont know you and youre kicked out.

                              Das ist nicht möglich. Du bekommst eine IP-Adresse vom Provider beim Netz-Login zugewiesen; diese Adresse bleibt für die gesamte Session gleich. Die Session endet, wenn man den Kontakt zum Netz verliert. Wenn man einen Disconnect hat (oder die Netzverbindung kurz unterbricht), endet die Adress-Zuweisung (lease) und man bekommt anschließend eine neue IP-Adresse.
                              Mit der neuen Adresse kennt GTL dich nicht mehr und kickt dich vom Server.

                              Schöne Grüße
                              Harald (tracert: 15 hops to
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                              Last Edit: 2019/11/23 23:30 By Harald Arry.

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                              Molleri (User)
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                              Re:Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 10 Months ago  
                              Thanks my friends.

                              I would like to get the settings of Champion OsoRulo, my neighbor.

                              I am not in Argentina. I'm in Brazil, Cabo Frio city. For me the best is the fiber optic connection. I have a Dynamic public IP. My measured service is 260MB downloadable and 180MB upload, with max latency of 15ms within Brazil. For the server in Strasburg is 180Mb for download and 70Mb for upload, but with latency of + - 230ms. I have modified all graphical settings in GTL to the minimum but it does not resolve. In LeMans77 the disconnects happen whenever the first place crosses the finish line on the first lap (!?). Regardless of the amount of opponents (yesterday tested with> 10 and at the end with only 2 more) It seems that some error occurs near the box scenario that has a heavy detail because there is some lag in the image. Or maybe in the record of the times of the front riders .., I do not know .. It is strange because I had no problems in Motodrom which is much simpler ..

                              Is there any way for any administrator to monitor in real time to know which error occurs?

                              I'll keep trying! If I don't succeed in this I will try the next one in Kyalami79.
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                              byagm (User)
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                              Aw: Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 10 Months ago  
                              try in more races, come on thursday to Dijon with F3!
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                              Molleri (User)
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                              Re:Aw: Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 10 Months ago  
                              I don't believe there is a disconnect on the internet, but in the GTL Looby. If it would not occur at various points on the track and not only one point!
                              It would also happen on several tracks and not only on the long ones!
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                              Last Edit: 2019/11/25 21:49 By Molleri.
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                              MichaW (Admin)
                              Ich vermisse unsere Gespräche Abends sehr :-(
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                              Gender: Male Location: Marl im Pott!!! Birthdate: 1966-00-00
                              Aw: Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              Classicracer2 schrieb:

                              Ja stimmt, !Dirk hatte das gleiche Problem, da erinnere ich mich gut daran, denn ich hab damals sehr viel mit ihm herumexperimentiert um das Problem zu lösen, aber eine wirkliche Ursache konnten wir bis zum Schluss nur vermuten.
                              Gelöst wurde das Problem dadurch, das ich ihm meine komplette GTL-CD als rar-Datei gepackt und via weTransfer in einzelnen Paketen geschickt habe. Nachdem er dies entpackt und damit eine Neuinstallation gemacht hatte, lief alles einwandfrei.
                              Daher vermuteten wir, das seine Installations-CD fehlerhaft war (was aber eher unwahrscheinlich ist, da ja bis auf den Disconnect-Fehler sonst alles lief).

                              Ich schaue nachher mal, ob ich noch die gepackten Dateien habe, die ich !Dirk geschickt hab, dann könnte ich diese auch Rogerio zum Download bereitstellen.

                              Einen Versuch ist's wert wenn's funktioniert, selbst wenn wir dann den eigentlichen Grund für die Disconnects immernoch nicht kennen.


                              gibts dazu irgendwelche neuen Erkentnisse?
                              Das Problem besteht nach wie vor...

                              Glück auf!
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                              † Ruhe in Frieden Carsten †
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                              Classicracer2 (User)
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                              Aw: Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              Ouh, das hatte ich glatt vergessen nachdem ich die rar-Dateien nicht mehr habe finden können.
                              Ich werde die heute Abend einfach nochmal neu packen und (sofern danach noch Zeit bleibt) bei weshare hochladen. Bzw. dazu bräuchte ich noch die Mail-Adresse, die ich für den Download autorisierten muss.
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                              Molleri (User)
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                              Re:Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 9 Months ago  

                              My e-mail is

                              I reinstalled all GTL using my original CD.

                              .. Now it's gotten worse!
                              Is disconnecting in Kyalamy too (short track) where previously did not have this problem ...

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                              Classicracer2 (User)
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                              Aw: Re:Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              Molleri schrieb:

                              My e-mail is

                              I reinstalled all GTL using my original CD.

                              .. Now it's gotten worse!
                              Is disconnecting in Kyalamy too (short track) where previously did not have this problem ...


                              Hi Rogerio,

                              seems like you really, really got a serious problem with your GTL-Version/-Copy! And I got NO CLUE why! Anyway, currently I am packing a clean version of GTL for you, so you can try a fresh install from ground up.
                              If this doesn`t work, for any possible reason, please report. In this case I beg you to do a fresh installation of the "clean" GTL and then I´ll try to pack you my complete ABB-GTL (which is really, really HUGE!!! Over 43 GB!). But THIS would take quite a while to upload, due to the rather bad internet-speeds here in germany.

                              So, please keep beeing patient, we´ll fix your problem, promissed!


                              the Upload is done now, you should have gotten four E-Mails from "" with your personal download-Links (if not, please check your spam-folder as well!).
                              Please download these and unpack them into a seperate Folder. After that install GTL by doubleclicking "GTL_Setup_EGFIS". After that you can try if this GTL-Copy works for you, before you run the ABB-updater (mention the ALL necessary Preparations like discribed in the ABB-Installation-Guide before, during and after the Installation... but I am convinced that you are very aware of them now that you got some experience and mishaps).

                              So, good luck, our fingers are crossed for you! And if this really don´t work, we will switch to plan B, which means that you should install my Version of GTL and after that I´ll send you my whole GTL-Folder... and THAN you´ll overwrite ALL your Folders with mine... this is kind of an "overkill" AND you will have to correct some of the settings to your special needs (Grafic-/Controller-Settings, plr-file and so on), but in the end I got a good feeling, that we will finally solve your problem so that you can race with us like you ever wanted!

                              Good Night and please report your experiences/developments


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                              Last Edit: 2019/12/04 01:36 By Classicracer2.
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                              Molleri (User)
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                              Re:Aw: Re:Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 9 Months ago  
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                              Molleri (User)
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                              Re:Aw: Re:Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 9 Months ago  

                              I installed the package you sent me and I'm just passing autoupdate.
                              Soon I can test.

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                              Classicracer2 (User)
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                              Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              Molleri schrieb:

                              I installed the package you sent me and I'm just passing autoupdate.
                              Soon I can test.


                              Hi Buddy,

                              that sounds great and promissing! Please let me know how it works for you.
                              Have you llready tested if the fresh GTL-installation is running well?

                              Tomorrow I'll have enough spare-time to compresse my whole GTL-Folder for you... just in case we run into any unexpected trouble again, so I can quickly react and upload/share a faultless running Full-Version for/with you.

                              Please keep me/us updated about your progress and expieriences, okay?

                              I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you and can't wait to share some intense bumper-to-bumper- or door-to-door-racing-action with you!
                              Keep it coming Dude

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                              Last Edit: 2019/12/07 15:51 By Classicracer2.
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                              Molleri (User)
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                              Re:Aw: Re:Aw: Re:Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              Now in Riverside Nascar..

                              Pilot name is now just molleri, without Rogerio ..

                              Without problem for disconnection in race whith 4 or 5 oponnents..

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                              Last Edit: 2019/12/06 23:24 By Molleri.
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                              Molleri (User)
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                              Re:Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              I also did a test on LeMans77 accompanied by Satellite72 and there was no disconnection on the first lap either. I will keep testing, especially on the long tracks.

                              I hope to be able to run smoothly on Kyalami79 on the next 14th ..
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                              Last Edit: 2019/12/07 03:45 By Molleri.
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                              Classicracer2 (User)
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                              Aw: Re:Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              YEAH! GREAT NEWS! It really sounds promissing. I'm glad that your first Tests ran faultless. Huge thumbs-up
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                              Molleri (User)
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                              Re:Aw: Re:Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              I now finished an 8 lap race withW Bergmeister in Kyalami79 and there was no disconnection .. I am already feeling confident that the problems are over. Let's keep testing .. Thank you very much Classicracer2.


                              What remains is to resolve the replay (not recording despite being properly configured) and..

                              the Autoupdater installation which is giving me the following error when running:
                              Traceback (most recent call last):
                              File "C: \ Bierbuden \ altbierbude_en.pyw", line 162, in <module>
                              main ()
                              File "C: \ Bierbuden \ altbierbude_en.pyw", line 107, in main
                              import wx
                              File "C: \ Bierbuden \ wx \ __", line 17, in <module>
                              from wx.core import *
                              File "C: \ Bierbuden \ wx \", line 12, in <module>
                              from ._core import *
                              ImportError: No module named _core

                              Does anyone know how to solve? Thank you.
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                              Last Edit: 2019/12/07 14:52 By Molleri.
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                              rdjango (Moderator)
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                              Aw: Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              Hi Molleri,

                              the path where the replaydata will be stored differs if you run gtl as normal user or as administrator.

                              p.e. as user you can find the replays under documents\GTR\Replaydata

                              as admin you can find them in the gtl-folder p.e. c:\gtl\Replaydata

                              Also you can find and change the path in the config.ini in both folders.

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                              Molleri (User)
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                              Re:Aw: Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              rdjango wrote:
                              Hi Molleri,

                              the path where the replaydata will be stored differs if you run gtl as normal user or as administrator.

                              p.e. as user you can find the replays under documents\GTR\Replaydata

                              as admin you can find them in the gtl-folder p.e. c:\gtl\Replaydata

                              Also you can find and change the path in the config.ini in both folders.


                              ok .. already found it. Thank you so much Rdjango.
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                              Molleri (User)
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                              Re:Aw: Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              Silverstone88 was great: no problem. \o/ \o/ \o/ uh uh

                              Went to 75Oesterreich

                              Noooo ...

                              Disconnection on the first lap !! Back to the damn GTL catacombs ...

                              I returned to Kyalami79: At the time of the start my car crashed in front of the pits in position -1 (!?) .. Very sad ..

                              How long will this punishment last ?!
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                              Classicracer2 (User)
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                              Aw: Re:Aw: Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              Ouch, that's a bit disapointing, but I would like to beg you to keep testing it... but with a little "Trick":

                              After joining the Lobby and a Training- or Qualifying-Session please quit/leave the Session and rejoin the same event.
                              That helped me a lot, in fact sooo much that it became a regular habbit to me and I forgot to mention it... sorry.
                              Since I do that, I never had any disconnection-issues at all.
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                              Last Edit: 2019/12/08 12:37 By Classicracer2.
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                              MoeZee (User)
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                              Aw: Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              If this helps...

                              for myself, it wasn't disconnection but freezing while playing.
                              I solve that problem by opening the game twice.
                              1st time, open the game, let it go through the intro until it show you that menu with quick race, single race etc...
                              At that point exit the game completely and restart the game. Had no problems whatsoever.

                              every once in awhile i would try one time start but my game would freeze half way through the first track i race on. so from now on i open my game up twice.
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                              Molleri (User)
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                              Re:Aw: Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              Thanks so much for the tips, my friends Classicracer2 and MoeZee. I will keep trying.

                              What about Autoupadate .. any idea how to avoid that mistake?
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                              Classicracer2 (User)
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                              Aw: Re:Aw: Disconnect nach Runde 1 4 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              Molleri schrieb:

                              What about Autoupadate .. any idea how to avoid that mistake?

                              Sorry Buddy, I don't understand anything about these traces or how to read them.

                              Maybe some of our cracks could help you?
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                              ETCC 16 - Prolog



                              updated: 2024-09-21 03:23:14

                              Our Offer


                              updated: 2024-09-21 03:23:17

                              Latest Downloads

                              Ika Torino (Update)
                              F1 1979
                              Altbierbuden Car Classes (Update)
                              Porsche 911 Carrera RSR IMSA (Update)
                              Milbantos (Update)

                              updated: 2024-09-21 03:23:13

                              Latest Thanks

                              JPGamers 2024-09-18 02:31

                              Sylvian 2024-09-13 10:49

                              lorreb 2024-09-10 10:34

                              CX650 2024-09-09 22:40

                              CX650 2024-09-08 21:21

                              Forum - Latest Subjects

                              Aw: Budentreffen SpaFrancorchamps 2024
                              Holger_B 2024-09-19 20:13
                              Aw: Rookie-Server
                              Bordi 2024-09-19 04:09
                              Aw: Jubiläum und Vorstellung
                              Bordi 2024-09-18 00:29
                              Aw: Formel 1 1979 Release
                              Organisation 2024-09-17 08:50
                              Aw: Ford Escort Cup 2024
                              MichaW 2024-09-13 19:20
                              Aw: Keine Verbindung zur Lobby
                              Bordi 2024-09-11 19:23
                              Aw: FAQ - Tipps und Tricks
                              Bordi 2024-09-09 09:03
                              Aw: Goodwood revival 2024
                              birke 2024-09-08 16:56
                              ETCC 16 Information
                              Organisation 2024-09-07 16:48
                              Aw: Musik gefällig?
                              birke 2024-09-06 12:19
                              GTL LOD base
                              BRF1 2024-09-06 10:23
                              Aw: Wünsch Dir was
                              Bordi 2024-09-03 14:13
                              Aw: Porsche Super Cup '24
                              Organisation 2024-09-02 08:05
                              Aw: ETCC 16 - Fahrer Börse
                              MichaW 2024-09-01 08:35
                              Aw: Fanatec Lenkrad gesucht, Notfall
                              Bordi 2024-08-25 18:13

                              ==> Posts 7d.

                              updated: 2024-09-21 03:23:19

                              Bierbuden GTL-Lobby


                              updated: 2024-09-21 03:22:55

                              ABB Server #1


                              ABB Server #2


                              ABB Server #3


                              ABB Server #4


                              ABB Server #5


                              ABB Server #6


                              ABB Server #7


                              ABB Server #8


                              Latest Personal Best Laps

                              • (DTR)byAGM
                                NoS 1975: 00:08:28.281
                                (Porsche Carrera RSR 1975)
                              • rdjango
                                Goodwood: 00:01:27.449
                                (Ford Escort 1300GT)
                              • Marius
                                Goodwood: 00:01:28.915
                                (Ford Escort 1300GT)
                              • rdjango
                                Goodwood: 00:01:30.593
                                (Ford Escort MKI 1.3 Sport)
                              • loite
                                Goodwood: 00:01:29.804
                                (Ford Escort MKI 1.3 Sport)
                              • Marius
                                Goodwood: 00:01:31.963
                                (Ford Escort MKI 1.3 Sport)
                              • stokkie65
                                Goodwood: 00:01:31.374
                                (Ford Escort MKI 1.3 Sport)
                              • Scholli113
                                Oesterreich 1970: 00:02:09.207
                                (Ford Escort 1300GT)
                              • loite
                                Oesterreich 1970: 00:02:06.532
                                (Ford Escort 1300GT)
                              • wiege
                                Oesterreich 1970: 00:02:05.675
                                (Ford Escort 1300GT)

                              updated: 2024-09-21 03:24:26

                              Gameserver Statistic

                              --- Latest Driver ---


                              --- Most Active Driver ---

                              in week 38:
                              623,14 km
                              in 132 laps

                              in September:
                              Björn GER
                              3.177,62 km
                              in 603 laps

                              Manfred Haupenthal
                              949.729,49 km
                              in 211.907 laps

                              --- Total statistics ---

                              in week 38:
                              35 driver
                              8.668,46 km
                              in 1.612 laps

                              in September:
                              61 driver
                              49.334,42 km
                              in 10.202 laps

                              8736 driver
                              49.387.259,13 km
                              in 11.218.179 laps

                              When will YOU join?

                              updated: 2024-09-21 03:01:06