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  • same fun
  • same guys
  • different SIMs

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Teamspeak 3

  • Lobby
    • ETCC Server 1
      • ETCC Server 2
        • ETCC Server 3
          • ETCC Server 4
            • ETCC Disco Server
              • International Channel
                • Rookie Club
                  • Ballerburg
                    • Kummerkasten
                      • FunTisch4FreiDays
                        • Motzkis Wohnzimmer
                          • 24/7/365-Dienstabteil
                            • AFK - in ein paar Minuten zurück

                              Who's Online

                              Gäste: 86
                              Mitglieder: 3

                              Today's anniversaries

                              reval5616 year(s)
                              Semokasa2 year(s)


                              Website Performance

                              Min.:0.05 sec.
                              Ø:0.123 sec.
                              Max.:8.813 sec.

                              Min.:0.049 sec.
                              Ø:0.122 sec.
                              Max.:8.813 sec.

                              Min.:0.049 sec.
                              Ø:0.126 sec.
                              Max.:8.998 sec.

                              updated: 2024-06-11 22:31:04

                              Visitor Statistics


                              updated: 2024-06-11 22:30:42

                              It's hot or not?

                              DKW F12 - HTGT Nürburgring
                              * * *

                              Support Altbierbude

                              Spenden für den Gameserver

                              Donations for the Gameserver

                              Logo contest: the winner is...

                              Congratulations, the winner of the bierbuden logo-contest is:

                              painter: Anubis

                              Logo-Contest 2+3

                              The result of the logo creation

                              2nd position

                              painter: Michel (Tafelzwerk) 

                              3rd position

                              painter: Testfahrer

                              New Download-Script

                              Since this weekend nobody needs to download any files manually anymore! The new automatic update script compares the situation on your harddisk with download section on webserver AND downloads and installs all necessary files with only one klick.  Please download the actual download script.

                              ONE MILLION KILOMETRES of fun at the „Altbierbude“

                              one million km 

                              Wow, nobody expect to reach a milestone of one million kilometres, but guys….you did it!
                              Manny thanks to all of you teammates out there and still have the same fun in future like you had up to now!



                              VCR Achive

                              ...ever get annoyed about lost VCR files because of driving the same track several times and forgotten to copy the VRC files between to sessions?
                              This will happen no more at "the Bude" :-)
                              All sessions driven at both game servers are moved to an archive which keeps the VCR files for 30 days. Feel free to download your personal video of the last 30 days anytime.
                              After 30 days the files will be deleted automatically since our storage is limited.


                              Half a million kilometres of fun at the „Altbierbude“

                              Currently the milestone of 500.000km passed by.
                              No one of us expected this in the beginning of the Altbierbude.
                              Manny thanks to all of you teammates out there and still have the same fun in future like you had up to now!

                              Teamspeak Server

                              It seems drink & drive isn't enough for all of you anymore.

                              Some guys also like to have a nice talking during the race.
                              So voices about the demand of a "teamspeak server" where getting
                              louder and louder...

                              So we implement one :-)

                              Pls. use the module on the lower left of the website to connect after installing the client software from

                              Have a lot of fun with it,

                              Newsletter Module


                              since the requests for a newsletter are getting more and more we’re installed a module fort his task.

                              The Newsletters are maintained by Noplayer (Klaus)

                              If you would like to add your personal headline/article to a newsletter pls. ask Klaus (

                              Unfortunaletly the newsletter items are currently in German language since all currents items where written by our german members.
                              Anyway pls. don’t hesitate to send articles in English language also for future newsletters…





                              Project "rent a game server"-Update
                              - Unfortunately unexpected problems appeared causing a delay.

                              - Now these problems are solved and the new game server is ONLINE.

                              - As a small reward to the donors we would like to offer a mailadress in the form  ""

                              Project "Rent a Game server"

                              Since the "Bude" becomes more and more popular the grid gets filled more and more during our races. So the game server more and more often reaches the border of it's internet bandwidth.

                              To get rid of the resulting "LAGs" the voices for a "real", rented game server became louder and louder.

                              OK, you want it, so let's try to implement it's financial and organizational base.

                              Our hard working mechanist Klaus agreed to be the treasurer and handle the organisation part

                              The rent for an reasonable server is €108,- for the period of 6 month and will be covered by donations as discussed in the forum.

                              The server will be rented as soon as the amount for the first period is collected.

                              As soon as the collection box won't cover the rent fort he next period we'll quit the contract.

                              By starting the new server we'll inform about the donations and the current amounts in the collection box on the website.

                              If against one's expectations the donations won't cover the rent. The collection box well be donated to the "Wikipedia Foundation" >(

                              The bank account details can be obtained from Klaus (pm: noplayer / mail:


                              Everybody is invited for donations to let the server become reality. Wink




                              Project: Roadbuilding

                              the experiences with the first couple of "self-made" tracks has shown that GTL conversions costs more efforts than expected and the results can not be tested enough until publishing.

                              So it would be nice if a "road building-team" can be founded here.

                               Everybody is invited to join!

                              Public discussions about will be made in the new board "track building" from now on.



                              "Members-only" downloads

                              Sorry but download will be available for registered members only from now on, because someone likes to fool us...
                              Since Registration is free of charge this should be no problem.


                              Scandinavian days at the "Bude"

                              (..even without IK*A) :-)

                              PrinzTT&Micha are offering their car-creations here since our formation, now I became a "road builder"...

                              The first two selfmade (or let's say "self-converted" to GTL) Tracks areavailable now!

                              It's Botniaring in Finland and Knutstop in Sweden.

                              I wish nice Laps two on both of them all of us...



                              The "Bude" recounts...
                              Not only unforgiving and calculating, now it becomes also nitpicking.

                              At Paddocks/Driverdetails you'll find detailed information about who drove how many km where and when.



                              Ranking List / Ledger Sheet

                              Not only unforgiving but also calculating, that the character of our "Bude"...

                              Based on the data of "Best Laps" an hourly evaluation will generate the "Ranking List" and "Ledger Sheet".

                              Only vehicles and tracks currently available on the gameserver will be used for evaluation.
                              But don't sorrows, none of your rounds will get lost! Every single best lap remains in "Best Laps" data and will be used for ranking again in case tracks or vehicles on the gameserver are changing again.

                              You'll find detailed information about the evalutionmode at "Basis of Valuation".


                              „search function“ improved

                              Up now the „serach function“ was nearly useless since it was only able to trace the “news section”...

                              But today I managed to query the download section also.
                              If you key in a track/carname into the searchbox you’ll receive the download links..


                              Best laps

                              The „Altbierbude“ becomes unforgiving…:-)

                              Since the “LIVE-Reporter” already queries the output of the gameserver it was only a next logical step to store the data persistent.

                              [drum roll ON]
                              …and so I did it
                              [/drum roll OFF]

                              A “Cronjob” is pumping the best laps to a SQL-server every 5 minutes and the “GTL-Reporter” is presenting them.

                              Beside of the track/driver information it shows the bestlaps (by driver/vehicle) now also.

                              Happy “highscore cracking”!


                              Chatroom opened

                              …you’re all asked about, so you’ll get it Cool


                              The Chatroom at the “Altbierbude” is open from now on for your comments, suggestions and discussions.


                              Pls. behave well and have a lot of fun…

                              Liveticker Module

                              Hi All,

                              since I'm getting more and more familiar with PHP/HTLM programming I've finished my very first module for the website:

                              The Liveticker Module

                              It will give you an overview over the current activities at the gamesever by showing you

                              • Current track
                              • Current session
                              • All drivers/cars currently on the track

                              Hope you'll like!


                              << Start < Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Next > End >>

                              Results 134 - 152 of 154








                              Our Offer


                              updated: 2024-06-11 22:39:26

                              Latest Downloads

                              Altbierbuden Car Classes (Update)
                              Porsche 911 Carrera RSR IMSA (Update)
                              Milbantos (Update)
                              Fiat 2300s Coupe
                              911 74US uninstall

                              updated: 2024-06-11 22:39:26

                              Latest Thanks

                              CX650 2024-06-09 21:32

                              CX650 2024-06-06 22:02

                              jb. 2024-06-05 18:28

                              Kevinski 2024-05-28 04:47

                              CX650 2024-05-21 21:03

                              Forum - Latest Subjects

                              Aw: Jubiläum und Vorstellung
                              helmet 2024-06-11 15:32
                              Aw: IKA Torino 380 W als Fahrzeug auf S...
                              MichaW 2024-06-07 18:37
                              Aw: Fehlende GTC-65 Autos auf Server 8
                              frankes 2024-06-07 11:04
                              4Fun 2024 - die 24 Runden von LeMans
                              Bordi 2024-06-07 00:10
                              Aw: E-Mobilität
                              rdjango 2024-06-05 19:07
                              Aw: Namen zusammen führen bitte
                              UweLaenger 2024-06-04 09:37
                              Aw: 24h classic 2023
                              Enygma 2024-06-02 14:22
                              Wünsch Dir was
                              Bordi 2024-06-02 09:19
                              Aw: Targa Regullar keine Bestzeiten
                              Satellite72 2024-06-01 00:30
                              Aw: Porsche Super Cup '24
                              makumba 2024-05-27 00:14
                              MBB AMS2 WEC Serie
                              MichaW 2024-05-24 09:48
                              Aw: Videos
                              rdjango 2024-05-23 19:02
                              Aw: Re:ETCC 15
                              WaldFeee 2024-05-21 14:37
                              Aw: LowGuard
                              Bordi 2024-05-18 03:30
                              Aw: Kurven anzeigen lassen
                              Maze 2024-05-15 18:07

                              ==> Posts 7d.

                              updated: 2024-06-11 22:39:27

                              Bierbuden GTL-Lobby


                              updated: 2024-06-11 22:39:00

                              ABB Server #1


                              ABB Server #2


                              ABB Server #3


                              ABB Server #4


                              ABB Server #5


                              ABB Server #6


                              ABB Server #7


                              ABB Server #8


                              Latest Personal Best Laps

                              • Rheinkraft
                                Bremgarten1954: 00:02:31.096
                                (Fiat 128 Gr2 1.3)
                              • Rheinkraft
                                Schottenring 1967: 00:06:08.208
                                (Mini 1275GT Group5)
                              • kerb_stone
                                Schottenring 1967: 00:06:18.705
                                (Mini 1275GT Group5)
                              • Manfred Haupenthal
                                Le Mans 19: 00:04:23.685
                                (BMW CSL)
                              • Manfred Haupenthal
                                Le Mans 19: 00:04:20.735
                                (Ford Capri RS)
                              • ccrider
                                Hilltop: 00:01:31.169
                                (Mazda RX-3 Gr2)
                              • kerb_stone
                                Hilltop: 00:01:27.780
                                (Toyota Corolla)
                              • ccrider
                                Hilltop: 00:01:35.604
                                (Ford Escort MKI Mexico)
                              • Rheinkraft
                                LeMans 70: 00:04:24.386
                                (Alfa Romeo GTA-SA)
                              • stokkie65
                                Le Mans 19: 00:04:43.437
                                (Porsche Carrera RSR 1975)

                              updated: 2024-06-11 22:39:02

                              Gameserver Statistic

                              --- Latest Driver ---


                              --- Most Active Driver ---

                              in week 24:
                              311,56 km
                              in 25 laps

                              in Juni:
                              Björn GER
                              1.798,85 km
                              in 174 laps

                              Manfred Haupenthal
                              942.075,91 km
                              in 210.385 laps

                              --- Total statistics ---

                              in week 24:
                              19 driver
                              1.667,11 km
                              in 192 laps

                              in Juni:
                              54 driver
                              22.616,86 km
                              in 3.789 laps

                              8726 driver
                              49.213.503,94 km
                              in 11.183.436 laps

                              When will YOU join?

                              updated: 2024-06-11 22:01:03