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                              Aw: New steering wheel, or not !! (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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                              TOPIC: Aw: New steering wheel, or not !!
                              Christian Dauger (User)
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                              Location: France
                              New steering wheel, or not !! 3 Years, 9 Months ago  

                              I would like your opinion on a possible change of steering wheel, for those with a modern steering wheel ... (you never know !! )
                              I have a G27 which works very well but I ask myself the question, on the old sims that are Gtl and Gtr2, the gain of would a possible upgrade be justified?
                              On recent sims, I understand that we can have much better but with Gtl / Gtr2, the gain is it worth the investment ...

                              Ich hätte gerne Ihre Meinung zu einem möglichen Lenkradwechsel,für diejenigen mit einem modernen Lenkrad... (Sie wissen es nie !! )
                              Ich habe einen G27, der sehr gut funktioniert, aber ich stelle mir die Frage, bei den alten Sims, die Gtl und Gtr2 sind, den Gewinn von Wäre ein mögliches Upgrade gerechtfertigt? Ich verstehe, dass wir bei den letzten Sims viel besser sein können, aber mit Gtl ist der Gewinn die Investition wert ...
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                              CasparGTL (User)
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                              Aw: New steering wheel, or not !! 3 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              Ich habe auch G27 und kenne niks modernes.
                              Ich höre oft das Pedale wichtiger sind wo die modernere mehr reale Federn und Feedback haben.
                              Ich sehe auch wie einige Aces mit Gamepads arbeiten und uns alle um die Ohren fahren.

                              Viel Glück mit deine Queste
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                              Christian Dauger (User)
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                              Location: France
                              Aw: New steering wheel, or not !! 3 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              CasparGTL schrieb:
                              Ich habe auch G27 und kenne niks modernes.
                              Ich höre oft das Pedale wichtiger sind wo die modernere mehr reale Federn und Feedback haben.
                              Ich sehe auch wie einige Aces mit Gamepads arbeiten und uns alle um die Ohren fahren.

                              Viel Glück mit deine Queste

                              I had a Fanatec clubsport crankset, I was not convinced ... I did not keep it !!

                              Ich hatte eine Fanatec Clubsport Kurbelgarnitur, ich war nicht überzeugt ... ich habe sie nicht behalten !!
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                              dikl (User)
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                              Gender: Male Birthdate: 1963-08-14
                              Aw: New steering wheel, or not !! 3 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              Hi Christian,
                              I have used different steering wheels / motors in GTL.
                              I started with the Microsoft Sidewinder Wheel Force feedback. Already a lot of fun, but improvement was possible.
                              My first update was the G25 (gears). Out of the box it was an improvement, but not satisfying.
                              I had to tune the force feedback values in the FFB section within my user.PLR to get a good force feedback feeling.
                              This link was (and still is!) extremely helpful: option,com_fireboard/Itemid,99/func,view/id,20789/ catid,3/lang,de/#20789

                              The next update was a belt driven motor and again, I had to spend some (!) hours to get a good and, at least, far better feeling then the G25. I was incredibly happy with that combination for more than 7 years!

                              But you never know!

                              My last update was in Summer 2019, when I got a direct drive motor. Again, some tuning in the PLR and I have to say, each Euro for the DD Motor was well invested.
                              There is now so much detailed information in GTL about the surfaces, bumpers, mass movement, braking, steering information etc., which increased massively my personal fun to drive GTL till today.
                              My FFB values are also working in PnG and GTR2, but 98%, I am driving GTL.

                              From my current point of view, the DD motor is the end of the possibilities for EACH Sim.
                              But it is also a lot of money and you have definitely to invest a lot of time to tune the FFB settings, regardless, which technology.

                              In comparison to 'newer' sims, I made the experience, that I have never got the same good feeling in AC for example.
                              Maybe I did not spend the same effort to tune the FFB in AC, but out of the box, it was disappointing.

                              I recommend that you test (if possible) your next level before buying and use the tuning information in the link above to get your personal FFB setting.

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                              Letztens dachte ich, ich hätte Unrecht. Aber ich habe mich geirrt...

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                              Christian Dauger (User)
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                              Location: France
                              Aw: New steering wheel, or not !! 3 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              Hi dikl

                              Thanks for your response.
                              Yes, the parameters of the plr are really difficult to grasp ... I took time too, after staying a long time with the "modern" sims for the possibilities of settings can be easier or more efficient and also for the visual aspect.
                              But lately I took all this and greatly improved the feel of the steering wheel in addition to having found graphics settings (nvidia card) which gives a very pleasant aspect to Gtl / GTR2, the 2 things that had kept me away from the races, here !
                              My G27 won't be forever, and I was wondering if we could get something more sensational with Gtl and a newer steering wheel and you answered !!
                              DD is not for me ... too expensive
                              Unfortunately, impossible to test a steering wheel, even less on Gtl ...
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                              Heizen Ltf (User)
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                              Aw: New steering wheel, or not !! 3 Years, 9 Months ago  

                              I drove Logitech for along time, first the g25 and then the g27. But then i switched to thrustmaster. That was a big improvement for me. The T300 costs not much more then the logitech and the Thrustmaster Eco system is great. You can change Pedals and wheels if you can and want. But i would always recommend a logitech, yes its not belt driven and loud, but its reliable and a good start to simracing with a wheel. But when i can,don´t know when,i will get an DD wheel. For sure. But that will take a long time, i´m happy with my thrustmaster. So i will get over it

                              Cheers Patrick
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                              rdjango (Moderator)
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                              Aw: New steering wheel, or not !! 3 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              Hi Christian,

                              which Fanatec did you test? I tested after the G27 a Porsche Gt3 or so and also it was not mine. For some years I used a Thrustmaster TX300 and that was smoother and with better Feedback as the G27. The Pedals Fanatec Clubsport EU V2 I use till now. The Thrustmaster is killed - now I use a Fanatec Wheelbase 2.5 which is better than the Thrustmaster. But its expansive too.

                              So if you like an upgrade look at Thrustmaster too but you need good pedals. I dont know how expansice thats now.

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                              dikl (User)
                              Allzeit - hilfsbereit !!!
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                              Gender: Male Birthdate: 1963-08-14
                              Aw: New steering wheel, or not !! 3 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              Their is a vision coming up, that we should rent a big building somewhere in the center of Europe with a lot of space, tables, extensions and internet access, where we can compare the different hardware, used for ABB.
                              A little bit of a logistic challenge, but feasible...
                              Would be very interesting!

                              Maybe after Corona....

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                              Letztens dachte ich, ich hätte Unrecht. Aber ich habe mich geirrt...

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                              Christian Dauger (User)
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                              Aw: New steering wheel, or not !! 3 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              rdjango schrieb:
                              Hi Christian,

                              which Fanatec did you test? I tested after the G27 a Porsche Gt3 or so and also it was not mine. For some years I used a Thrustmaster TX300 and that was smoother and with better Feedback as the G27. The Pedals Fanatec Clubsport EU V2 I use till now. The Thrustmaster is killed - now I use a Fanatec Wheelbase 2.5 which is better than the Thrustmaster. But its expansive too.

                              So if you like an upgrade look at Thrustmaster too but you need good pedals. I dont know how expansice thats now.


                              Hi rdjango
                              I only had club sport v2 pedals, I didn't like it, I just use the G27 pedals!
                              Yes, Fanatec is a little more expensive ...
                              I wanted, by my question to know if on Gtl it is interesting to change ... after that it is only a question of choice (and money)
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                              Bordi (Admin)
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                              Aw: New steering wheel, or not !! 3 Years, 9 Months ago  
                              Guten Morgen meine lieben Freunde des virtuellen Motorsports,

                              ich habe mir, da mein G27 die 6 Jahre Abstinenz leider nicht überlebt hat, das G29 gekauft.
                              Aus meiner Sicht ein absoluter Fehlkauf und ich trauere meinem alten G27 noch immer hinterher.
                              Naja, jetzt habe ich das G29 und muss damit leben.

                              Ein Problem waren, bzw sind, die fehlenden FFB Einstellmöglichkeiten in der Logitech Software.
                              Dieses Manko kann aber zum Glück in der Registry umgangen werden.
                              Wer ein G29 besitzt und diese Einstellungen ebenfalls vermisst sollte sich den folgenden Link ansehen:

                     logitech-g29-fehlende-treibersettings-in-der- logitech-gaming-software/

                              Mir hat es geholfen. Aber auch hier die Warnung dass das Ändern der Werte auf eigene Gefahr erfolgt!

                              Euer Bordi

                              P.S.: Vielen dank an dikl. Schön dass Du den Link von Taffy noch einmal hervorgeholt hast. Vielen Dank an Taffy, eine schöne und ausführliche Erklärung für die FFB Einstellungen.
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                              Last Edit: 2020/12/02 08:25 By Bordi.
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